Praca: Product Compliance Manager

Product Compliance Manager

Job location: Wielkopolskie or Pomorskie or Dolnoslaskie voidenship


The role:
  • The Product Compliance Manager is responsible for ensuring the relevant departments develop and follow appropriate processes and protocols used in the management of change, product development, testing, certification and approvals of the products manufactured and purchased.
  • In this position you report directly to the group “Head of Quality”.

Key responsibilities:

  • Maintain compliance with regulations and third-party approvals. Regulatory compliance is the adherence to regulations that products need to satisfy to be lawfully placed on a market.
  • Create and maintain the Product Compliance Register (PCR). The PCR will be a record of all approved products and include the legal obligations and/or standards which are applicable to these products for their commercial markets.
  • Oversee the Item process for new items and change control of existing items, including the technical product specification, Declaration of Performance (DOPs), labels, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), etc. Marketing material, product labels and order forms shall be in adherence with the Product Compliance Register.
  • For Product modification and change control you interact with R&D, technical applications departments and procurement. You ensure and audit appropriate record keeping, testing and sign off levels reached for each change.
  • Monitor external test reports and certifications with focus on issue and expiring dates, change of classification standards or other change requirements. If necessary, you initiate product re-testing or certification procedures to maintain product compliance.
  • Set up a compliance team on each site, comprising of representatives from all relevant cross functional departments. The established team will be responsible for Product Compliance and maintain compliance systems to ISO 37301 standard, including internal and external compliance audits.
  • Implement and document the Compliance Risk Assessments together with the local compliance teams on a regular basis.
  • Audit compliance of the above systems including those which interact and provide advice for marketing and creation of technical literature content.
  • Support the development of a groupwide Product Information Management System (PIM).
  • Manage appropriate compliance training for all relevant stakeholders.
  • Submit Group Compliance Monthly reports to track KPIs.
Required skills and experiences:
  • Bachelor´s degree in quality management, engineering or related fields.
  • Extensive professional experience in product compliance management within a large, intentional manufacturing company, preferably building materials.
  • Strong knowledge of compliance standards, regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  • Experience of implementing and maintaining ISO 37301 and ISO 90001 standards, preferably qualification as auditor.
  • Excellent oral and written English language skills, Polish as second language desirable.
  • Committed to international travel.
An excellent opportunity to drive the Product Compliance Department of a fully integrated TQM system and ensuring that all 4 sites (3 in Poland) are on the same compliance standards and systems and enhance the product development capabilities within the R&D department.
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

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