Praca: Accountant - Accounts Receivable (AR)

We are the METRO Global Solution Center! Our motto, "We make it count," reflects our belief that accounting is more than just numbers - its about creating impactful solutions, driving meaningful change, and always counting for more. As a proud member of the METRO/MAKRO family, a leading international wholesaler with over 93,000 employees across 30+ countries, we are committed to excellence and innovation. Our inclusive and diverse community promotes collaboration, personal development, and dedication to achieving our goals together.

Join our team and experience the spirit of "We make it count."

Accountant - Accounts Receivable (AR)
Workplace: Szczecin, Plac Brama Portowa 1
Your mission:
  • issuing and posting invoices, clearing bank statements, taking care of customer settlements, clearing items on customer accounts,
  • posting and reconciliation of sales taking place in Makro shops,
  • clearing of sales-related accounts (means of payment such as cash, credit cards, vouchers, etc.),
  • preparing and confirming balances and reconciliations for general ledger accounts related to the accounts receivable and payable process,
  • bank reconciliation,
  • processing and responding to customer enquiries in a timely manner.

And also:

  • participation in projects related to the improvement of accounting processes,
  • day-to-day work with clients in the provision of top-quality services (also in other languages, if you know them),
  • participation in month-end closing activities,
  • working on a daily basis and improving your skills in SAP and Excel.
Your skills:
  • experience in accounting,
  • good command of English (B1/B2),
  • good organisation of own work.

We offer:

  • stability - the first contract is for 6 months, the next for an indefinite period, because we believe that you will stay with us for as long as possible,
  • tasks that matter - 84% of our employees consider their work to be important,
  • non-wage benefits - up to PLN 8,000 per year per person, including, among others, performance awards, holiday subsidies, money for holidays and culture, money for job referrals,
  • relocation package - PLN 6,000 to move to Szczecin,
  • professional training - in the fields of accounting, software - SAP, soft skills and language learning with a total value of up to PLN 10 000 per person per year,
  • free access to eTutor,
  • internationality - the languages you know are used by us every day, English is a must!
  • higher salary of PLN 400 to PLN 1,600 if you know an additional language,
  • a clear career path - you can be promoted to a new position after just one year!
  • vertical and horizontal promotions, we regularly recruit internally - 78% of our Team Leaders come from internal recruitment and this number is constantly growing,
  • enhancing knowledge and experience in various areas,
  • support for ACCA students - including an extra paid day off for the exam and reimbursement of the ACCA exam costs, which guarantees you accounting certification,
  • good atmosphere - 78% of our employees consider the working atmosphere to be positive,
  • open working culture - your superiors are available to you, we focus on relationships and communication, we are all there for you,
  • team and company integrations after hours - 2 times a year you integrate with your team, 2 times a year with the whole company,
  • free breathing training worth up to PLN 2,100 per person per year - because your well-being is important to us,
  • private medical care and group insurance, also for family members,
  • subsidised sports card,
  • anniversary gifts such as a speaker or Kindle or annual prizes such as a PLN 2,000 voucher for whatever you want,
  • air-conditioned, green office in a state-of-the-art building in the city centre - you can reach us by public transport from any part of the city, avoiding traffic jams,
  • and, of course, free coffee and employee discounts to service outlets in the Posejdon office building.

Dodane: dzisiaj
Lokalizacja: kujawsko-pomorskie
Pracodawca: UMK w Toruniu Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera

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Lokalizacja: mazowieckie
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